On Tuesday in the KOP office an elderly grandmother asked me if I could come and pray for her granddaughter who had been sick with a mystery illness for a few weeks. So on Tuesday afternoon I headed up to Kamalasha (a little township up the road which came about because of the ease of making money through smuggling stuff across the border into DR Congo) with two of the students from Kaniki. We met with Mrs Chumba (KOP volunteer and Kamalasha Village mother) and she took us to the house. The house was small, two-roomed and made from mud bricks. We went inside the darkroom - the only light coming in from a small triangular window about 20cm at the widest point. We prayed with the girl, nothing particularly eventful happened. but as we were finishing the heavens opened and an almighty thunderstorm began. Consequently we stayed in the house and were chatting with the girl and her grandmother, and that's when the story, and the root of the problem came out. It made me realise afresh how much of a different world we live in in the west.

The grandmother explained how last year her elder sister was murdered by her  twin brother as a satanic ritual sacrifice. I'll spare you many of the details of the tale as I don't think it's appropriate to write it here, but since this incident occurred there have been all kinds of crazy goings on.....such as coming home to find the house full of dead bodies, people who aren't real people (spirit beings which they can see) coming in and raping the granddaughter on a regular basis etc - things which are inconceivable to a western mindset. We agreed to come back today, Saturday.

We arrived at Mrs Chumba's house to find a lady trying to commit suicide with a knife - she had suspected her husband (who is a teacher at the local school) of having an affair. Something happened which made her decide that she was going to report it to the police. When she arrived at the police station she saw her husband canoodling with a female police officer - the lady she'd suspected! They came to Mrs Chumba's to sort it out, but there was a massive fight, her only conclusion was to take her own life.

I had to leave the students to come back for a birthday gathering, so I don't know what happened with the girl and her grandmother from Wednesday.....life here is just something else!

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