The AQ team has been taking packets of cement out to Kamfinsa this week to encourage the church to keep working on Pastor Albert's house.  Tim went out there on Wednesday to continue teaching the Freedom In Christ material after almost 3 months absence.  It was pretty encouraging as almost 20 adults turned up to join in the course and this was a really key session for them all to hear.  In the West the devil has worked hard to convince people he doesn't exist, in Zambia he has a different tactic - to convince everyone he is much more powerful than he really is.  The church was quite encouraged to hear that they actually can resist his schemes fairly easily - know the truth and the truth will set you free, then continue to stand in that truth and stay free!  I'm enjoying teaching them a lot.  Teaching with the AQ team and the KBUC students is also going really well.  This week I did 10 hours of teaching and about the same in preparation and marking - I'm only setting the KBUC students assignments but as there are 60 of them this year that's a fair bit to mark, the good thing is that I actually have time to mark it thoroughly here which is actually pretty satisfying. 

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