Kamfinsa has come on leaps and bounds recently, it is definitely exciting times!The AQ team has been preaching and giving words of encouragement in church services as well as helping to lead new cell groups which are meeting in different places in the community on Thursday mornings.  The church membership is at an all time high and weekly church attendance is consistently 100 or more people.People of all ages have reason to be excited!!The men have been working to complete the new Pastor's house and have made great progress.  All the materials apart from the glass for the windows and a final few bags of cement for plastering the walls have been bought and are being stored securely in the school. 

Lots of ladies have been meeting one of the school classrooms for the last 5 weeks to learn how to sew in readiness for the delivery of 4 sewing machines that came from the UK a while ago but hadn't yet made it out to the village.  On Thursday this week, however, I was able to take the machines along with a Landcruiser packed full of gardening and carpentry tools to Kamfinsa at last.  It took about 4 hours to catalogue all the items but the community were delighted to see the investment people from the UK have made in them.

As for the children, well their future also looks bright.  We had the amazing blessing last week of meeting a married couple (both teachers) who have a heart to go and live in Kamfinsa village and run the community school there.  They realise there is not a lot of financial backing in terms of them receiving a salary but are willing to sacrifice to see the area and people flourish.  The husband, Chama, says that "money doesn't just come from the UK or praying for it, but from working the ground with all God has given you".  He has great vision for the school and community which is excellent.  The more people who want to carry the load and share responsibility for the future of Kamfinsa, the better!  It also seems rare to find people that genuinely want to give of themselves so readily in the knowledge that their reward will be the fruit of their labour.  I think Chama follows the Biblical teaching of "you have to lose your life to find it"!  Please pray for this big step.  Chama and his wife may move into the teacher's house in Kamfinsa, soon after Albert and his family (who are currently living there) are able to move into the new pastor's house.  

It was amazing to discover that amongst all the boxes of tools/sewing machines etc that I took to Kamfinsa, there were also 7 boxes of Children's story books and 3 boxes of English and Maths textbooks, plus counting beads, dominos, clocks for learning to tell the time etc!  This means that when Chama does start at the school he will also have some classroom resources! Wonderful - a timely delivery!!  One of summer teams this year is hoping to also paint a number line and alphabet on the classroom walls to brighten up this new learning environment - we think it is all coming together!The gardening tools (there was even a petrol driven plough amongst them) will also encourage the community to grow more and more food which is in line both with Chama's belief that the people should be working the land more and also with the plan to build a hammer mill in the village.  We hope that the AQ team will head out to Kamfinsa in June to lay the foundations for this as we think we have all the funding needed for the project finally in place!  Below (right) is a photograph of the same hammer mill machine we are going to buy and erect a building for.  Also below you can see the sewing class that is now underway thanks to those Singer sewing machines! 

I hope you can sense the excitement in the many things that are happening in Kamfinsa - God is good, All the time!! 

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