At KOP it's been a busy time giving out various items of uniform and schools books. And I thought it was about time I shared some photos. On the left is Tekwaz and Janet in their uniforms. Getting them to smile was a challenge, so you'll just have to settle for a serious picture. They were very happy to receive their cardigans! Thank you so so much to all those who have been busy knitting! Your tireless efforts are very much appreciated!

This week we've started the mamouth task of giving out shoes. I can guarantee that tomorrow we will have massive queues and many (who have shoes) will turn up barefoot.....they don't realise that my record keeping has been quite good so I know exactly who is and who isn't entitled! Once again a huge thank you to those who have donated, I would like to particularly say thank you to the pupils of Wolverhampton Girls' High School - you are making a lot of people very happy - even tears of joy and thankfulness have been shed!!!
A container recently arrived from Denmark and we have been blessed with more clothes than I know what to do with. There are so many I don't have the space to keep them all in our office. Many many thanks to those of you who packed and sent them. Clothes distribution will begin when we have finished with the shoes. The carpenters here at Kaniki are busy building KOP new shelves so that I can organise all the clothes. 

We are in the process of trying to set up a sponsorship programme as well as a 'shop' where people are able to 'purchase' items of uniform etc for the children in 

Huge HUGE thanks to all involved in supporting the work of KOP in one way or another!

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