In the last few weeks we have seen time and again the right people turn up to do a job at just the right moment. The mural and painted wall to the left is a prime example of this. It was finished yesterday afternoon by a family from the USA who came primarily to teach in the Bible College but whose 2 sons wanted something to do.  Not only had we just finished liming the wall but we had also had some designs done for us by another member of our summer team just the week before. This is the wall all our school buildings will face towards and so it is great to have something so colourful and actually quite African.  In the weeks that my Dad and Vic, from our home church, installed the wiring into the school buildings - a feat in itself - twice I happened to be with them on the site when ZESCO, the main Zambian electricity supplier, came to look at where to lay power lines etc.  If I hadn't been there when they arrived (unannounced) they would have put the power lines down the wrong side of the land, obstructing the view of the wall and also blocking off our access road!  Don't get me wrong, we are really happy that Zesco are helping us, it is just really good to be there when they do their work :-)

One of the other great things about the last few weeks is all the things we have received for Kapumpe and Kamfinsa schools.  Uniform for both schools as well as jumpers for children in KOP came from the UK as well as 28 boxes of school resources.  We literally had a phone call saying that 20+ boxes had arrived in Kitwe (1.5 hours away in a slow vehicle) with our name and number on them. They didn't seem to know who had sent them or what they were. We managed to borrow the farm bus to fetch them and were delighted with their contents. We knew boxes of resources were coming to Zambia from Kickstart in the UK but thought they weren't being sent until October so it was a great surprise and gave our summer team an extra task in sorting all the books etc out with Gemma.  The team also helped finally sort out the school office at Kamfinsa, painting the walls, putting up noticeboards and organising the bookshelves which had barely been used before.

We had a really good time with the team and enjoyed a day out at Nsobe game park.  The highlights of the day included Emily screaming as a crocodile lurched towards her (despite it being in an enclosure), various people holding snakes and baby crocs, mum, Mary and Lorraine canoeing (or trying to), failing at fishing, seeing giraffe close up and while this was a different occasion mum ordering a lemonade sticks in my mind for some reason! ;-)

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